Spring is a great time to travel, and we want to show you five Italian gardens that will start blossoming in the springtime and are definitely to consider visiting and absorbing their smells, and colors. Take a deep breath and let yourself immerse in the elegant Mediterranean vibe.
OPEN: from 18th of March to 5th November 2023
Every day from 10 AM to 6 PM
On the shores of Lake Como, taking a walk is the greatest way to explore the wonderful areas around the lake. And as you walk, a monumental, romantic, and colorful garden waits for you to be visited and discovered. Villa Carlotta garden offers spectacular beauty in every season and every time you go, you can find different species growing, blossoming, and absorbing the Mediterranean sun. Enormous trees give it a majestic vibe, citrus tunnels that have been there since the time of the first owners offer a romantic walk underneath them, the smell of roses and magnolias, the abundance of colors, an immersive experience for your senses.

OPEN: Every day from 9 AM to 6 PM (last entry at 5.30 PM), closed on Mondays
To add to your botanical experience, visiting ‘La Vigna di Leonardo’ garden in the center of Milan, will definitely give you a different feel. Stepping on the grounds of a residential district built in the 15th century in the times of the Duke of Milan, designed with the biggest attention to detail, everywhere you look you see vineyards surrounded by artistic statues, giving a special mystery vibe to the place. The vineyards with their villa breathe history and taking a guided tour will bring you back in time listening to the fascinating story of a place that the Duke of Milan gave to Leonardo da Vinci.

OPEN: Every day from 10 AM to 7 PM, closed on Wednesdays
If you are looking for a little break from the city, we recommend Borges Labyrinth in Venice. Located on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, this garden is actually a labyrinth! It is not a trap one and you will probably not get lost, but you can take a nice around 1 km walk surrounded by boxwood plants and explore another fascinating place in this magnificent city.

OPEN: from 16th of April to 15th September 2023
Every day from 8.30 AM to 7.30 PM
Villa Lante in Bagnaia is a Mannerist Garden of surprise near Viterbo, central Italy. The gardens of the Villa feature cascades to fountains and dripping grottoes. Upon entering, you will be amazed by the multitude of fountains with carved peperino elements that create wonderful water features. Walking through the gardens you will have an immersive experience of back in the 16th century.

OPEN: Every day from 8:30 AM to 7 PM (last entry at 6 PM), closed on Tuesdays
Royal Palace of Caserta and its gardens are located in the Campania region, a short drive from Naples. Back in the 18th century, the architect Luigi Vanvitelli designed the gardens as an extension of the Royal Palace that you can visit together with a walk in the gardens throughout the entire year. He combined the design of the Italian Renaissance Garden and got inspired by the Versailles gardens. The garden is home to hundreds of rare and exotic plants, monumental fountains with rich sculptures, and an English garden in the back of this huge garden area.

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